Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blog#6 Sharing and Reflecting on Two Resources

I have decided to go with the perils and promises of AI and robotics.

1st source:
Reporting., Michael M. Grynbaum; Robert Gebeloff Contributed. "$239,000 Conductor Among
M.T.A.'s 8,000 Six-Figure Workers." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 June 2010. Web. 20 May 2013.
Some workers are paid more than expected. This article can help in support of reducing employees for robots to save money and debt by the MTA. It seems as though replacing humans with robots are cost effective. however, with their budget margins being so far, how could they risk spending that much more on the programs? The MTA needs to regulate the overtime requests by the employees to give a fair employment to the other employees who need more hours. Surprisingly some of their workers are being paid six figures when their base pay are usually under $100,000. Condustors seem to reject the one person operating the trai idea, but are giving the MTA no alternative to turn to to save money all the while building the 2nd ave line.

2nd Source:
Belford, Aubrey. "That's Not A Droid, That's My Girlfriend." The Global Mail. The Global
Mail, 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 May 2013.
 There is a large gap between the acceptances of robotics in the Japanese culture versus the Western Civilization. Japan is more accepting and has become more open to developing more advanced robots as in America people fear the worst from them. This article puts into perspective the romanticism toward robotics because of cultural differences. some people have displayed a strong sentimental attachment to their devices with AI programming. The government has displayed a strong interest in developing geriatric assisting robots. Some of the robots are already in progress but parts of ti still need tweaks because it needs more of a environmental sensory.  One of the things Japan fears with these robots is that it goes haywire and isnt cautious enough with the senior citizens. 

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