Monday, March 11, 2013


Hello there,

My name is Mara Chan. I am hoping to pursue a career related to the study of psychology, but I am not exactly sure which sub-field I'd like to go into. For now, finishing this semester and trying to transfer into a 4 year college by the Fall term would be my short term goal. I am in my last term at La Guardia, so I am feeling the sophomore version of the "senioritis" hit me. But no worries, I'm a team player and I'm more than willing to pull through and attempt to ace this semester before June comes.

This is actually a blog for my LIB200 course that covers the topics of Science, Technology, and Humanism. In time, you will get a chance to know more of the specific topics we cover through the class and the world modern technology has provided for us. You will get the chance to be a complete grammar nazi on my page while commenting on any agreements/disagreements you may have with my opinions. Constructive criticism are welcome, inappropriate censure is not.

Hope you're having a good day. Thanks for visiting!

Mara C.

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