Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog #1 - Science V. Humanities

The idea of science vs humanities remind me of the debate between nature vs nurture. I never believed it was all nature or all nurture but a combination of both; the same goes with science and humanities. Personally I see the concept of science/ technology as a positive to humanity. Science/ technology has been a way to create a better way of living for society versus our primitive ways prior. However, most people in the US seem to fall between both the positive and negative aspects on Science/Technology. 

The reasoning for this because of certain technology that is frowned up by citizens of the US. One example would be militia guns such as assault rifles, artillery, and etc. These machinery throughout centuries have become more powerful and more dangerous, but with this technology many people have sought it out as doing more damage than good. 

There are other people though that think highly of science/technology because of the different medicines and cures we were able to create. I would hope that majority of people today would accept science as a way of understanding the world but needless to say, many people are too ignorant to see it. Many people are still stuck in the facade that religion tops science.   

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